Authentic Probiotic Plus+

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the 8 keys to living a long life


Each of these topics are important individually but are all interrelated to one another.


  • God is the creator of our being and the intelligent designer of all our systems. 

  • Our systems were designed to work together. 

  • If we make the proper choices, we are healthy. 

  • If we make the wrong choices, we experience various diseases or metabolic disorders.


  • Nutrition is the building block that supports, repairs, heals and energizes our body. 

  • Nutrition is supplied naturally by our food choices which need to be a diverse blend of colors. 

  • Consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts and protein is necessary for a balanced nutritional diet and will discourage the craving for empty calorie sweets. 

  • When, how and what you eat can improve your nutritional well being.  


  • The human body is designed for motion or movement.

  • Daily exercise is essential for our well being—use it or lose it.

  • Perfect health requires circulation. Nutrients are distributed to all parts of the body through exercise and movement.

  • The lymph system is activated by movement.

  • Gardening is the preferred movement due to combining all parts of the body plus fresh air and sunshine.

  • Any form of exercise that includes fresh air is encouraged.


  • Water is the primary nutrient in our system.

  • Water is essential for cleansing, healing and transporting nutrients to the tissues. 

  • Six to eight glasses of water are needed per day. 

  • Without sufficient water, more pressure is put on the circulation and purifying systems.

  • The best method of drinking water is between meals to avoid diluting the digestive enzymes. 

  • Caffeine and alcohol are dehydrating liquids. 

  • Water is necessary for nutrient waste elimination.

Social Outreach

  • Socializing is a basic human need essential for a healthy lifestyle.

    -Tips to staying socially engaged-

  • Keep in contact with family.

  • Reach out to friends.

  • Show gratitude to those who are in your life.

  • Help others with positive thoughts.

  • Use technology to share valuable information.

Sunshine and Fresh Air

  • Sunshine brings rays that activate Vitamin D.

  • Care (sunscreen and attention to time) needs to be shown to avoid overexposure.

  • Daily exposure enhances melanin production.

  • Sunshine enhances the immune system.


  • Essential for health and for renewing the body.

  • The amount of rest needed varies with age.

  • Rest strengthens your immune system.

  • Rest helps to counteract stress.

  • It is important to create a conducive environment that encourages restfulness.

Intestinal Health

  • Probiotics help to maintain a healthy balance between good & bad bacteria.

  • The natural microbiome (intestinal flora) energizes your immune system.

  • Probiotics help with the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

  • Probiotics help to counteract the effects of stress.

  • To stay healthy, keep your microbes in line!